What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? The Adult Faith Formation Committee will be offering a six-part study program through the Augustine Institute to break open what it means to be a true follower of Jesus and how you can move from simply being a “fan” to being a true disciple who has taken on the very likeness of Jesus Christ.
Learn from Saint Peter the starting point for discipleship. Learn the four key
habits, practiced by the early Christian community that will increase your
receptivity to divine graces and keep the fire of faith burning bright. Through the dynamic presentations by Edward Sri from the Augustine Institute, followed by discussions that will inspire real-life application and fellowship, this study will transform your life.
September 20 - Episode 1: In the Dust of the Rabbi What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?
September 27 - Episode 2: Not Perfect, But Chosen What to you make of Jesus' exhortation to "Be perfect, as you heavenly Father is perfect?"
October 4 - Episode 3: The Encounter What is the starting point for discipleship?
October 11 - Episode 4: Transformed by Fire: Prayer and Sacraments What are the habits and practices that can lead you to the kind of longing and joy that King David relates in Psalm 63?
October 18 - Episode 5: Transformed by Fire: Fellowship and Apostolic Teaching How do you remain a faithful and vibrant disciple in the midst of distractions posed by the secular society all around?
October 25 - Episode 6: Question and Answer This final episode looks at weays to live out Christian discipleship in daily life and addresses questions on some practical issues facing disciples today.
On Sunday, August 21, members of the Adult Faith Formation Committee will invite you to register to attend these classes and to reserve your order for the Study Guide Booklet for this program ($16.00) which provides you with outlines and guidance through the video-based sessions, impactful questions for small- group discussion and personal reflection, along with suggested resources for continued study and fuller understanding.
We look forward to meeting you in the Gathering Space on August 21 to discuss the details of this program and to take your registration for the materials that we will be using starting on Tuesday, September 20, 6:30 to 8:00 PM. Room B.