Sacred Heart
Annual Parish Raffle
Prizes of $1,000, $250 and $100 are awarded during drawings on the second Sunday of the month between December 2021 and May 2022. Drawing dates are:
Our raffle gives you a chance to get back your money, even if you win just once. The recommended donation for each ticket is $25.
Each year we use the raffle proceeds to help fund necessary repairs and maintenance of our parish facilities. Just this past year, you helped us to repair doors in the parish offices, the air conditioner in the church gathering space, and the boiler that heats the offices.
If it is impossible for you to acquire all four tickets on your own, I hope that you will try your best to seek donations from other family members and friends who are not a part of our parish. Also, you may want to acquire them for Christmas gifts, as stocking stuffers, or for a special birthday. If you need more than the four tickets, let us know and we will get you more tickets.
Ticket stubs, money and all non-acquired tickets can be placed in the envelope provided and put in the collection basket or mailed to the Parish Center Office. Returns must be in by December 10, 2021 to be in the barrel for the first drawing on December 12th.
Please feel free to call Fr. Marc with any questions, or needs you have. At (313) 333-6608.
May God bless you for your prayerful support of our parish and it’s ministries.