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Some of our Eucharistic Ministers have asked me about allowing the intinction method of receiving Holy Communion. The rules that come from the USCCB (US Conference of Bishops) and in the New Roman Missal states that only a Priest or the Eucharistic Minister may give communion using the intinction method. It states that a plate needs to be under the chin of the person receiving communion and only the priest or Eucharistic Minister may dip the Sacred Host in the Sacred Wine and place it on the tongue of the communicate. One who is not a priest or a minister of the Eucharist cannot put the Sacred Host in the Sacred Wine on their own.
The parish has decided that we will not give communion using the intinction method. That is why we have separate stations for the Body and Blood of Christ. It is also important to remember the words of Jesus “Take this and eat of it, for this is my body. Take this and drink of it, for this is my blood.” We are to eat and drink not dip.
So please do not come up to a Eucharistic Minister who is sharing the Blood of Christ and want to dip a Blessed Host into the Precious Blood. They have been told not to allow this because the church has said that is not right, also it is not that healthy if many people are dipping their fingers into the Precious Blood using the intinction method and drops of the Precious Blood sometimes falling to the floor. If you have any other questions about this please call me and we can talk about it.
Fr. Mike
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