Sundays, November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2021 12:15 - 1:30 PM Room B at Sacred Heart Parish Office
Facilitators: Sr. Helen Therese, OSF and Don Novak
Sacred Heart Parish is offering a four-week seminar dealing with the loss of a loved one. The goal of the seminar is to reach out to others who have lost a loved one, to comfort them, to console them, and to listen to them. On your journey we want to offer you hope.
Life is no longer what it was - it is different. No one will take the place of the one who has died. In time you will remember your loved one warmly with memories that will bring a smile to your face.
Initially, you find yourself swept away to a place where you never wanted to go. You may feel utterly and completely alone, while you hopefully believe things could get better.
We want to cultivate spiritual and emotional healing from your loss. We will do this by covering the Ten Stages of Grief. Studies have been done to try to learn how loss affects us and how we react to grief through the various stages. We do not go through them in the same order and we don’t stay in them the same amount of time. Many come through these stages with a deeper understanding of oneself at a new stage of life as a part of the growth that can occur having gone through the grief process.
It is our hope that this seminar may bring you some peace and contentment, and that by the end of this time that we spend together you may better understand the grief process.
Some reasons that you should attend a Grief Seminar:
You should know that there are many who have experienced a loss and you are not alone.
You could use a few new friends.
You need a kind word and listening ear.
Your prayer is “Lord, I have no idea where I am going.”
God wants you to take a chance on HIM…He is waiting for you.
And most importantly and the #1 reason that you should attend a grief seminar is…Jesus wants you to continue your JOURNEY FROM GRIEF TO HOPE.
This seminar is open to anyone experiencing the loss of a loved one, not just Sacred Heart parishioners or Catholics. If you have a friend that could benefit from this seminar, please invite them to register and attend.